The Great Debate

Please join us on Thursday, June 25, 2020
for our Debate and Candidate Panel at Burnwood ‘68
18745 Redland Road
Doors Open at 3:30 PM
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
BCCCP3 Candidates: Trish DeBerry vs. Tom Rickhoff
Doors reopen at 5:30 PM
6:00 PM
NEISD School Board Trustee Candidate Panel
Debate Only Attendees are $10 at the door (includes non-alcoholic beverage)
Pre-registration for All Other Attendees: Please click link below.
$15 for elected officials and candidates running for elected office
$25 General Admission includes meal selection and non-alcoholic beverage
Cash Bar Available.
Submit your questions for the candidates to [email protected] by June 24
Attendance at this event supports the San Antonio Family Association and its efforts to protect, defend and promote the family.
For more information: 210-928-7232 or [email protected]