The UN’s real intent and purpose is to tear the community apart by working with local progressives to claim discrimination once it is officially adopted as a “World Heritage Site” and spread revisionist history.
Mob yanks Junipero Serra statue in San Francisco off of its foundation this past Saturday! Junipero Serra has been recognized as a person who led a life of heroic virtue by the Holy Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is universal and transcends any color, race or sex.
Who is behind the mob that is riding the lawless ways of Blaxk Lives Matter?
It is a socialist, really communist, effort to dismantle the USA. As the United Nations’ promotes the untrue idea of Christianity enslaved/enslaves Indigenous Peoples, UNESCO goes into different historical parts of America and declares Christian- originated sites as “World Heritage Sites” under the guise that it will help increase tourism and commerce in that community. However, it seems the UN’s real intent and purpose is to tear the community apart by claiming discrimination once it is newly entrenched.
This is happening in the City of St. Anthony called San Antonio, TX since 2015.
Another St. Junipero Serra statue is in the US Capitol as one of the two representatives of the State of California. California would not be the same today without the good work of Saint Junipero Serra. He is the patron of CA having established 11 of the 17 Missions in the state.
#JuniperoSerra #Serra #California #CA
#SanFrancisco #SanAntonio
#USA #Capitol
#UnitedNations #UNESCO #UN
#WorldHeritageSites #DeclarationOfRightsOfIndigenousPeoples #IndigenousPeoples
#BlackLivesMatter #BLM #AllLivesMatter
#SanFrancisco #SanAntoniissions #Missions
#ChristopherColumbus #ColumbusPark