Sunday, March 16, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


“Innocent Life”

By sheer numbers alone, abortion is the most common assault on innocent life. But just as the abortion business is pushing its product, more and more people are becoming pro-life. Education is the reason. No longer can Planned Parenthood refer to the fetus as a blob of tissue with the advent of the ultra sound. No one who has ever seen an ultra sound could possibly think what they are watching was anything other than a human being. There is a wonderful educational tool called Baby Steps, a 4D ultra sound of an unborn baby from 8 to 34 weeks. You will be absolutely amazed at what this child is capable of while he is still weeks away from birth.

Make it your goal to gather as much information on this subject as possible and pass on this information to others.

You are invited to Life Chain San Antonio on 10/2.

LifeChainSA – Stationary – 2016A