Friday, March 14, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Masses for Navy Under Fire — NO LONGER the Case


President Trump ordered the United States Navy not to cancel its contracts with Catholic priests to provide Masses on San Diego-area bases. Trump tweeted: “This will no longer be even a point of discussion!” Rear Adm. Bette Bolivar said the Navy “will continue contracted religious ministry programs and services similar to what we’ve had in place previously.” What about the non-sailors like Joint Base San Antonio Masses (and other bases) being canceled during the weekday Masses?


Previous Articles —

Trump reacted fast & protects US military personnel’s rights to go to Holy Mass.


Navy reportedly cancels Catholic Masses at area bases, other religious services continue

This should concern every Christian, not just Catholics because it will just be a matter of time before the military cancels all Christain worship. When roughly 23% to 26% of servicemen identify at Catholic (the largest Christian tradition) and they cancel, it just a matter of time for all the other traditions to be canceled. The Navy has declined to renew contracts with Catholic priests in a supposed “cost-cutting” move, leaving bases without enough chaplains to keep services going, according to a report by the San Diego Union-Tribune.

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Chapel at Naval Air Station North Island (US Navy)