Saturday, March 15, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Scandalous heresy. Faithless or just allowing the Eucharist to be politicized??

Signatories on letter opposing USCCB vote on ‘Eucharistic Coherence’ include 5 cardinals, 6 archbishops and too many bishops from Texas including 3 in the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

These ordained servants of The Church are essentially saying that AntiLife-ProAbortion, AntiMarriage-ProHomosexuality politicians like Joe Biden, Julián Castro, Joaquin Castro, Nancy Pelosi and many others “Catholic” Politicians should not be refused Holy Communion despite their open opposition to Catholic Church sacred magisterial teachings.

May 13 letter’s list of signatories from Texas:Diocesan BishopsArchbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, MSpS of SAn AntonioBishop Brendan Cahill of VictoriaBishop Robert Coerver of LubbockBishop Michael Mulvey of Corpus ChristiBishop Mark Seitz of El PasoBishop Michael Sis of San AngeloBishop Joe Vasquez of AustinBishop Patrick Zurek of AmarilloAuxiliary bishopsBishop Michael Boulette, Auxiliary of San AntonioBishop Gary Janak, Auxiliary of San AntonioBishop J. Gregory Kelly, Auxiliary of Dallas

#HolyEucharist#HolyCommunion#ArchSA#ArchdioceseOfSanAntonio#SanAntonio#PoliticizationOfTheSacraments#Sacraments#ArchbishopGustavoGarciaSiller#Gustavo#BishopMichaelBoulette#Boulette#AuxiliaryofSanAntonio#BishopGaryJanak#Janak#BishopPatrickZurek#Zurek#AntiLife#ProAbortion, #AntiMarriage#ProHomosexuality#politicians#JoeBiden#JuliánCastro#JoaquinCastro#NancyPelosi#CatholicPoliticians#CatholicChurch#SacredMagisterialTeachings

Note these ordinaries of or fornerly from Texas did NOT sign the scandalous letter: #CardinalDiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, #BishopOscarCantu, Bishop of San Jose,#ArchbisopGomez, Archeparch/Archbishop of LA