Thursday, March 13, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Correspondence to the Washington Post

Would you please update the article so that it is consistent with our comments and it conveys the context of our comments more accurately that included our intently praying for Allan Braid and his conversion.

Why? After almost 40 years of “abortion care”, he’s past normal retirement age and is giong ot face his judgment day with God sooner than later and we pray for his conversion of heart and to become a beacon of light to truly help women in crisis by living out the Hypocratic Oath of doing no harm and actually assisting the new moms to the healthiest thing they can do, give a natural birth to the preborn child who is sharing bodily space with her for a relative short period of time.

SAFA/we will continue praying and working to protect, defend and promote life for the good of infants in the womb and their mom’s moms and even mercenary hitmen like Allan Braid.

As a way of being, we consistently, purposefully and sincerely pray for him especially at our weekly First Amendment Friday’s on the sidewalk in front of the abortion business.

We appreciate your consideration of updating the article.


Patrick Von Dohlen
Mike Knuffke

on behalf of the San Antonio Family Association

Note to the readers:

To Casey Park’s and the Washington Post’s credit, they partially updated the article after our request but not completely.

It’s very disappointing that the primary writer (not the reporter, Casey Parks) insists on being so anti-human, anti-compassion and changed our verbiage from Pro-Life to anti-abortion.