NEWS RELEASE: Pro-Life Statement on 45th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade
January 22, 2018
Today marks the 45th Anniversary of the January 22, 1973, Roe v. Wade decision by the Supreme Court of the United States. The decision to grant a mother the unfettered right to end the life of her own child while still in utero continues to be the most divisive Supreme Court ruling in American history. This is evident from all those on the side of life who continue to fight and mourn the outcome of Roe V. Wade 45 years later, and also from all those who continue to celebrate the “right to abortion.” On this sad anniversary, we invite deeper reflection on the outcome of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade.
Over 60,000,000 children have been surgically aborted since the Court’s decision. An estimated 250,000,000 have been killed chemically, and another 400,000,000 have been killed via selective reduction from AI/IVF (as estimated by NFPoutreach). These numbers represent a staggering loss of human life. In Bexar County alone, 5,099 children were aborted in 2014. In 2015, that number rose to 5,296.
45 years ago, Justice Blackmun asserted, “We need not resolve the difficult question of when life begins” (Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 156-157). The question of when life begins, however, is the only question that matters. Justice Blackmun confused the issue in his time by denying obvious medical facts and stating that the unborn did not have “personhood.” Unlike Justice Blackmun, we cannot feign ignorance about when life begins. Basic biology teaches that only living things grow. We have all seen the images of sonograms, and we know that image is of a living being with human parents and human DNA, and we know that it must be a human life.
The greatest evils of modern history have been instances when the humanity of the victims was called into question. One need only think of the Nazi phrase “life unworthy of life” for those segments of the human population who were deemed extinguishable, which resulted in the murder of 9,000,000 Jews. In our own American history we bear the blight of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dred Scott, which relegated those held in slavery to be less than persons, and relegated them to mere property.
Now, the victims of abortion are dismissed as less than human by the Court’s ruling to permit the murder of the unborn. Abortion is a direct assault on human life, and each one of these lives matters. It is time to make abortion in America unthinkable.
Today, the San Antonio Family Association recognizes the 45th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade by remembering the human life that has been lost, and recognizing the women who have been harmed because of the unjust ruling of the Court.
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