Amid shutdown, House GOP shows intense interest in Trump dossier memo
Release the memo!
Potentially the biggest scandal in America, much bigger than Watergate.
Every American should be concerned about the government spying on them and others. We do not operate like Russia with a KGB.
House Republicans are calling for the release of a memo from the House Intelligence Committee, which they say details abuse of the government’s wiretapping powers that were discovered in the Trump Russia Investigation.
“Having read the memo I was shocked, absolutely shocked,” said Rep. George Holding, a former U.S. attorney from North Carolina, who often used FISA in his former work.
Lawmakers coming out of the secure room have been both extravagant in their expressions of astonishment and tight-lipped in their discussions of what is actually in the memo.
Americans have the right to know what was discovered, so release the memo now!
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