YES! Americans Want Life & Liberty!
Pro-Life Winsome Sears Defeats Pro-Abortion Dem, Becomes First Black Woman as Virginia Lt. GovernorNot only did Greg Youngkin win his race over pro-abortion Terry McAuliffe to become the governor of Virginia, the second highest-ranking official in the state will be pro-life as well. Winsome Sears won her race to become Lt. Governor and she will be the first black woman to hold that position.

Pro-Life Judges Won Every Single Statewide Election in Pennsylvania, Defeating Planned ParenthoodThe political arm of Planned Parenthood appears to have failed miserably in its efforts to elect pro-abortion judges to Pennsylvania’s state courts.
Minneapolis voters rejected a ballot measure to overhaul the police department and replace it with a new public safety agency. The measure failed by a 56% to 43% margin. Minneapolis has seen a spike in violent crime since the city reduced the size of its police force after the killing of George Floyd. Axios called the vote “a significant blow to the police reform movement’s momentum in Minneapolis and beyond.”