Thursday, March 13, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Call to Action


Tell the SBOE to protect Texas children. The Texas State Board of Education will deliberate on Health Education, including SexEd, curriculum this coming Monday. No planned promiscuity to students in public schools! ‘Planned Parenthood’ and it’s affiliates like the Texas Freedom Network and ETR are targeting children through public schools. Their business plan is to promote early sexual experimentation knowing that it will bring in revenue via STDs and #ElectiveAbortions for Planned Parenthood. This is a sadistic business plan at the expense of children. Our children’s innocence is worth protecting, not exposing them to radical ‘sexual risk reduction’ pornographic material that violates parental rights and religious freedom.Request the SBOE to vote NO and avoid exposing Texas children to perverse materials that are not essential or required learning as it’s a parents right and duty in this matter.

Click here to sign a letter to the SBOE:

An email will be sent to all 15 SBOE Members. #SAFA