Thursday, March 13, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Catholics and Voting – Intensify Faith-Outreach

Cardinal Gerhard Müller spoke with Edward Pentin about politics and the 2020 election. The German cardinal said: “I don’t support a candidate in Germany because he is Catholic, but because he has the right understanding of life and human rights. It is better to vote for a good Protestant than for a bad Catholic. We must judge according to what they are doing, not only to their words … to the fruits.”

The effects on the presidential campaign weight heavy. The Trump campaign outreach to religious believers has focused on the president’s pro-life accomplishments and defense of religious freedom, while the Biden campaign has emphasized issues like immigration and the environment, as well as moral character, and is avoiding discussion of his stance in favor of legal abortion.

Presidential Campaign with Faith Outreach 

Catholic Priest speaks of US Presidential election