Thursday, March 13, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Citizens Speak Out to Preserve the Cenotaph – SAFA Testifies

Good news! Texas Historical Commission decides against moving Cenotaph

As a result of testimony and pleas from Patrick Von Dohlen, the Cenotaph is saved.

Remember the Alamo! Protect the Cenotaph TODAY!

He wrote to and encouraged others to write to [email protected] with the following content:

Hello my name is Patrick Von Dohlen. I am a 5th generation Texan on one side of my family and 6th generation on the other side. My great, great grandfather, George Von Dohlen (1828-1920) re-discovered the lost mass grave of fallen Texian soldiers in Goliad (April 27, 1836). Our family has a great appreciation of marking the location of a grave especially a mass grave. I am speaking on behalf of my immediate family and of the over 2200 participants/members of the San Antonio Family Association. To the Texas Historic Commission, I appreciate your time devoted to this hearing today to preserve not reimagine Texas history. Do NOT issue a permit to move The Alamo Cenotaph! The Cenotaph was placed in its current position because that is a historic location where the majority of Texans died. It is where the souls of the majority of the Defenders of The Alamo departed their courageous bodies willing to die for Texas independence, for the independence and freedom we enjoy in Texas today. The Federal government gave the monument with the intent of it never being moved from that location. Moving the monument will cause irreparable damage to it. The Alamo Plaza can be enhanced without moving the Cenotaph. The elected officials of San Antonio have refused to allow the people to vote on the issue and many of them are attempting to re-write Texas history. These same progressive people, many non-native Texans, are attempting to minimize the valiant Defenders of The Alamo and glorify bad actors like Santa Anna. Moreover this is a Texas issue not just a San Antonio City Council plight. The citizens of Texas should be able to vote on this issue. Please vote NO and do NOT issue the permit to relocate the Cenotaph. The inscription on the cenotaph reads: In Memory of the Heroes who sacrificed their lives March 6, 1836 in the defense of Texas. They chose never to surrender or retreat; these brave hearts with flag still proudly waving, perished in the flames of immorality that their high sacrifice might lead to the founding of this Texas. In memory means DO NOT MOVE. Remember The Alamo! Remember Goliad!


Patrick Von Dohlen


The full Texas Historical Commission vote was a great representation of Texans! The overwhelming majority of citizens responding to THC were against issuance of the permit to the City of San Antonio to move forward with the Alamo Reimagination plan. SAFA testified today to preserve the Cenotaph against its move that will destroy it. Who can trust the City of San Antonio with any historical monument after its handling of the removal and destruction of past monuments…It’s a great day for the preservation of the Cenotaph over the re-imagination of The Alamo. Now we have to continue to be ever vigilant to continue the fight for the inevitable return of the CoSA to get the permit. Remember #TheAlamo#Alamo#Cenotaph#TxLege#THC#TexasHistoricalCommission#SAFAdefends#StopAlamoReimagination

Read More HERE

SAFA encouraged community support to protect the CENOTAPH and reached out by providing sample letter and source of who was to be contacted. #SAFAdefends