Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

AbortionBirth ControlCity of San AntonioCoSAJoe KrierMayor Ivy TaylorMayor of San AntonioRon NirenbergSan Antonio City Council

Dr. Chichi Junda Woo Removed from Medical Director, but there is More to do!


MAYOR IVY TAYLOR and the San Antonio City Council responded to the concerns of the local pro-life community by requesting that City Manager Sheryl Sculley rescind the appointment of Dr. Chichi Junda Woo to the position of Medical Director of the Bexar County Metropolitan Health District. City Manager Sculley complied with the request by reassigning Dr. Woo to her prior position of Chief Medical Officer over STDs, infectious disease, and immunization clinics. Dr. Woo is an abortion provider with a long history of association with Planned Parenthood, serving as the Medical Director for the Planned Parenthood Trust of South Texas.

Dr. Woo’s affiliation with Planned Parenthood became known after the City Council certified her appointment on August 6, 2015. Pro-life leaders immediately began to raise concerns. Patrick Von Dohlen and Mike Knuffke of the San Antonio Family Association (SAFA) largely spearheaded this effort. Their organization issued a call for concerned pro-lifers to show up and speak out against the appointment of Dr. Woo to such a high position and the unjust zoning violations which allow the regional abortion center run by Planned Parenthood to continue to operate at 2140 Babcock.

In response to the SAFA’s call to action, many citizens spoke at the August 19th, “Citizens to be Heard.” In addition to San Antonio Family Association members, representatives from the Texas Leadership Coalition, the Joshua Initiative, the Justice Foundation, San Antonio Coalition for Life and the Pastor PAC were present in support of Dr. Woo’s removal from the Medical Director position. All recognized the City’s employing a Planned Parenthood abortionist as inappropriate.

SAFA greatly appreciates these many voices joining them for the cause of life. Further, SAFA is thankful that the Mayor and the City Council took action to remove Dr. Woo from the Medical Director position. Yet concern remains due to the Dr. Woo’s continued employment with the City and her oversight in the area of clinics, immunizations, infectious diseases, and teen sex education. A person who aborts babies should not be the one who sets policy for the City’s sex educational programs.

Dr. Woo’s role in the City of San Antonio’s “Project Worth” program is of special concern to the SAFA. This program provides and promotes sex education and pregnancy intervention activities for teens in San Antonio, with the goal of lowering birth rates. Lowering birth rates does not mean reducing pregnancies, given that Planned Parenthood and their physicians consider abortion and chemical abortifacients to be pregnancy intervention. This means killing the baby is a legitimate method of reducing teen birth rates for Dr. Woo.

Through Dr. Woo’s ongoing employment with the City; the Mayor and City Council continue to partner with Planned Parenthood. They have chosen a person who is anti-life and in favor of “harmcare” to educate San Antonio teens how to prevent birth. We are asking Ivy Taylor and the City to do better, to finish the good work they began. We call on the Mayor to sever ties with Planned Parenthood and fire Dr. Woo.