DreamWeek 2017: A brief recap
Dreamweek 2017 has been host to many events. Among these events could be found several promoting and benefiting abortion providers (Planned Parenthood), as well as the LGBTQ movement. Not least among these was the MLK Jr. March itself, the largest MLK Jr. march in the country. MLK March that has been commandeered by uber progressives to promote homosexuality, gun control and progressive political candidates.
After being singled out and forced to be leave the MLK, Jr. March in 2016, SAFA marched for the 4th year in the MLK, Jr. March 2017. Bexar County Deputy Sheriff, P. Scott, under direction by Nate, ordered SAFA out of the march last year as SAFA’s banner was considered “inappropriate” for the MLK March by Nathaniel Davis. Yet based on email communications with the MLK Commission, everyone is welcome, no one will be excluded, and no one is required to be approved to participate.
So has the Commission forgotten MLK’s real message or has it been complacent in allowing unnatural ideologies to take over and commandeer the march for genuine equality based on the content of someone’s character and not the color of one’s skin?
Lifestyle choices impact the content of one’s character. Unnatural, disordered, and selfish lifestyle choices exhibit the lack of a well-formed character in objective truth.
This year, several people volunteered and attended the march representing SAFA. They carried a banner which said “Kids need a Mom & Dad.” Halfway through the march they were confronted by a group of LGBTQ activists, who held hands blocking the sign chanting “Love Trumps Hate” all the way to the end of the march.
The previous week “Planned Parenthood Texas Votes” sponsored a “Reproductive Health Action Forum” as a part of Dreamweek. See their agenda below. What would MLK think if he were able to see how his legacy is being celebrated today?