Friday, March 14, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Ethics complaint raises stakes in Google Fiber furor

“The city of San Antonio is slow-jamming a public ethics complaint while trying to fast-track Google Fiber’s encroachment on public parklands.

The spiraling controversy over installation of Google Fiber huts took a new twist as a civic activist filed an ethics complaint against Shannon Miller, director of the city’s Office of Historic Preservation.

John Whitsett accused Miller of violating the city ethics code by failing to disclose that the official who signed the Google leases was her husband, Hugh. As chief of the agency tasked with reviewing the Google deal, Miller should have recused herself from all proceedings, Whitsett asserted.

City officials have not responded to the ethics complaint and Miller could not be reached. But on Wednesday, the Historic Design and Review Commission, under the OHP umbrella, went ahead with hearings on landscaping for two Fiber hut locations in city parks.”

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