Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Filing is Open for SA Mayor and Council Elections

Yes, all 10 Council seats are open.

Pro-Family citizens need to consider serving in public office. It can be a great work of charity if truly doing what’s good for the individual and the community.

A new candidate for Council District9, Jarrett Lipman, has filed and appointed an exposing person as his Campaign Treasurer. Lipman has appointed current North East Independent School District – NEISD Board President, Shannon Grona as his Treasurer.

Shannon Grona actually lives in District10 but more importantly, Shannon was the Vice President of the NEISD Board and VOTED FOR “Planned

Parenthood’s” SexEd Curriculum on May 9, 2016 that #SexuallyGrooms children for promiscuity and perversion.

Very exposing. Very telling.