Monday, March 10, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

AbortionBirth ControlCity of San AntonioCoSADefund Planned ParenthoodJoe KrierMayor Ivy TaylorMayor of San AntonioRon NirenbergSan Antonio City Council

Final 2140 Babcock Press Conference Today @ 12:15

THE SAN ANTONIO CITY COUNCIL HAS VOTED TO REJECT THE COSA DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT’S PROPOSED ASC AMENDMENT TO THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, WHICH WOULD HAVE EXPANDED SURGICAL ABORTIONS THROUGHOUT THE CITY OF SAN ANTONIO. The measure they voted on conspicuously refuted the previous bad zoning decision regarding Planned Parenthood South Texas’ new Ambulatory Surgical Abortion Center (ASC) 2140 Babcock and the inconsistent actions by Rod Sanchez, John Jacks, Michael Shannon and Catherine Hernandez that exhibited their favoritism of ‘Planned Parenthood South Texas’.

The San Antonio Family Association (SAFA) has spent the last 18 months leading the fight for life, a higher quality of care for women, and for proper zoning oversight of the City Development Services Department in order to protect residential areas from abortion businesses locating within them. During this time, 1187 babies lives were saved and 1187 women’s health preserved. Planned Parenthood South Texas was forced to delay its opening by 106 business days.

The San Antonio Stop Planned Parenthood Coalition held 58 Pro-Life Press Conferences with local, state and nationally recognized pro-life organizations and speakers, with thousands of people attending. Over 30 separate intermittent Citizens To Be Heard Sessions were coordinated engaging thousands of people to become active and speak to the SA City Council to our local elected officials about the importance of enforcing zoning laws and to plead with them not to show favoritism to Planned Parenthood. The work culminated in the first ever vote by San Antonio City Council dealing directly with the restrictions related to abortion facilities in residential areas.

The Stop Planned Parenthood Coalition thanks Mayor Ivy Taylor and the following Council members who took a commonsense stand for life; Alan Warwick II, Rebecca J. Viagran, Rey Lopez, Cris Media, Joe Krier, and Mike Gallagher, who boldly introduced the passed amendment. We look forward to working with the City for the cause of family and life. Further, we ask that you join with us as we look to replace those on the council who have opposed life. These members include Roberto C. Treviño, Rey Saldana, Shirley Gonzales, and Ron Nirenberg, who expressed support for the 2140 Babcock abortuary and worked to make sure babies would be killed there.

It’s time to celebrate a major pro-life victory and to encourage San Antonians to move forward into the breech to reclaim our family culture.

About Mike Knuffke

Mike Knuffke is the Co-founder of the San Antonio Family Association and a member of the Stop Planned Parenthood Coalition. Mike has steadfastly contended for the rights of the unborn and been a key player in the fight for justice to protect the lives of the unborn and the property rights of the residents of Dreamhill Estates which continue to be violated by Planned Parenthood’s 2140 Babcock location. Mike is a partner at Von Dohlen Knuffke Financial Group and lives in Bulverde with his family.

About Fernando Padron

Fernando Padron was born in Cuba and immigrated to the U.S. when he was ten years old. His family settled in West Palm Beach, Florida where he learned to love this great nation. Fernando Padron is an American by choice because he believes that the United States is an exceptional country.

Fernando Padron has worked for many years for nonprofit organizations helping the poor and serving the people of Nicaragua.  He is a proven leader and unapologetic pro-life Christian. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Theology and is now in his last semester at UTSA earning a Master of Public Administration.

He recently worked as the Special Project Director for the Bexar County Tax Office and is now running for the office of Bexar County Tax Assessor-Collector.

For more information contact

(210) 928-7232

[email protected]