Thursday, March 20, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Fr. Clay Hunt Needs Your Prayers

Fr. Clay Hunt Situation:

Fr. Clay has been a gift to us and SAFA too. This situation has become public and seems to be a matter of obedience and ideology. It is ugly and the information is not clear due to confidentiality.

Please share this with others who might be concerned.

SAFA’s facebook post:

Here’s the text of the post:

Fr. Clay needs your prayers and financial support.

While SAFA has known a little about this situation, it has become public and now after it has been made public, it is important to share some of the pertinent information.

Fr. Clay has been and is being targeted and persecuted. There is an attempt by certain people in the hierarchy of the ArchSA who seem set to remove him for the Priesthood. His faculties to celebrate Holy Mass in public have been removed again as they had been in 2018 when this persecution of him began openly.

Fr. Clay’s ability to remain a Priest is hanging in the balance. He needs good canon law legal defense.

Fr. Clay has been a gift to the laity for over 11 years when he was ordained. He has worked harder than ever during the last 3.5 months bringing the Sacraments to the people when most Catholics were cut off due to the COVID19 CoronaVirus health pandemic and the government’s emergency disaster declarations.

Fr. Clay has been the celebrant at most of the Masses for the annual SAFA Charity Dove Hunts. Always beautiful, reverent and compelling to be good and do good for God’s glory.

Videos: Fr. Clay joins SAFA to speak out against the Bexar County Commissioners Court promotion of homosexuality by awarding a County Proclamation for the “Bigger Than Texas ‘Pride’ Parade on June 18, 2019.

View of Citizen To Be Heard Speaker, Fr. Clay Hunt:

Crowd perspective view of Dias:

There is no allegation of sexual misconduct.

There seems to be allegations of obedience which Priests do take a vow of.

There are allegations against Fr. Clay Hunt for his avoiding giving Parishioner tithes to (Catholic) organizations (prior to 2018) that have been exposed for their support of abortion and homosexuality.

There seems to be allegations against Fr. Clay to include his speaking candidly about life, marriage and family which includes professing the truth about the harmful choices to individuals, including but not limited to abortion and homosexuality. He has joined SAFA at numerous events to speak in the public square about life, freedom, marriage & family including twice at Bexar County Commissioners Court at SAFA’s request.

Fr. Clay has proposed The Church”s actual teaching on immigration as in the Catechism and in Rerum Novarum by Pope St. Leo XIII in 1891.

Fr. Clay is willing to associate with people and organizations like SAFA who need good guidance and direction. He’s not afraid to associate with sinners or any other people who need what he can give via his sacramental vocation of Holy Orders.

This situation has become so bad that it might even be an ideological bias against Fr. Clay. Disordered ideologies are also political ideologies which violate Catholic principles and teachings.

If the actions taken against Fr. Clay are not a matter of his fidelity to The Church but are about a matter of obedience then what are those matters he’s being disobedient about?

It’s confidential and unknown when the laity will know, if ever.


Here’s a video from Fr. Clay’s sister:


SAFA can be an alternative conduit for collecting tax-deductible donations for Fr Clay’s defense.

The GoFundMe account set up by his family is working great but if you would like to give via a lower cost transaction fee so more of your generous donation gets to Fr. Clay then you may give via SAFA. SAFA’s merchant’s fee is right at 3% for most credit/debit cards whereas the GoFundMe account is 5-8%. The GFM account is not (technically) tax-deductible whereas SAFA is a 501(c)(3) organization and you can claim it as a charitable, tax deductible donation.

To give via SAFA to help defend Fr. Clay here:

Specific Cause:
Fr. Clay Hunt defense

Video of Fr. Clay’s Sister, Daphne

Considerations for action:

•Please pray the St. Michael Prayer for Fr Clay Hunt.

•Please pray for everyone directly involved in this situation and their openness to the Holy Spirit to look beyond personal, ideological biases to The Truth desiring unity in Him for the good of Christ’s Church and His Priests and People.

•Call the ArchSA and ask to speak to Archbishop Gustavo and Auxillary Bishop Mike Boulette at (210) 734-2620 about your personal experience with Fr. Clay

•Email Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller at [email protected]
about your personal experience with Fr. Clay

•Be kind and respectful and express your experience with the faithfulness and holy boldness of Fr. Clay Hunt for the glory of God, His Church and His people.

#FrClayHunt #ClayHunt

Why get involved? Out of charity and responsibility. Read The Church’s Canon Law.

Canon 212

Can. 211 All the Christian faithful have the duty and right to work so that the divine message of salvation more and more reaches all people in every age and in every land.
Can. 212 §1. Conscious of their own responsibility, the Christian faithful are bound to follow with Christian obedience those things which the sacred pastors, inasmuch as they represent Christ, declare as teachers of the faith or establish as rulers of the Church.
§2. The Christian faithful are free to make known to the pastors of the Church their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires.

§3. According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons.

We must exercise helping our Priests.

We would and will die for Priests especially for any Priest true to his Holy Orders sacramental vocation.

Our experience with Fr. Clay has always been directed towards God, His Church and the good of His people. But we don’t know the whole situation.

Based on what we do know, it seems very personal and even ideologically driven especially since we do not know the details.

If there is another Priest who needs help, please let us know. [email protected]

It seems like Fr. Clay is on an island of isolation. He can’t visit with anyone about it but the hierarchy (while also bound by confidentiality) can at least visit amongst themselves about it.

It might be good to contact the Archbishop and express your experience with Fr. Clay.

The whole ArchSA will lose in this situation.

Isn’t there a path to reconciliation, justice & mercy to begin again in unity with Christ?

Week of June 14, 2020 liturgical prayer after Holy Communion at Mass that we can all pray for:

As this reception of your Holy Communion, O Lord, foreshadows the union of the faithful in you, so may it bring about unity in your Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fr. Clay Hunt encourages and emboldens SAFA and all laity to proclaim The Truth with holy boldness, profess The Truth in charity, and vocalize The Truth with effectiveness.

May God bless Fr. Clay Hunt for his courageous witness.


Patrick Von Dohlen
[email protected] (wk)
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45 NE Loop 410, Ste. 100
San Antonio, TX 78216
210-601-7059 voice/text