Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

AbortionBirth ControlCity of San AntonioCoSAJoe KrierMayor Ivy TaylorMayor of San AntonioRon NirenbergSan Antonio City Council

Get Your Stop Planned Parenthood Petition Here

Zoning laws are meant for public safety and to protect the property interests of individuals and businesses. When zoning laws are ignored people can be hurt. There is no more vivid example of this than the City of San Antonio ignoring the zoning laws at 2140 Babcock.

At 2140 Babcock the City has allowed a Planned Parenthood to open without proper zoning. The result is the death of babies and possibly the selling of their body parts. There can be no more egregious dereliction of duty than to ignore enforcing laws when the consequence is the loss of human life.

Click the link below to download your petition to the City of San Antonio to request the just enforcement of zoning laws at 2140 Babcock.

Petition to CoSA re pp-Delantero ASC Abortuary – with Coalition Logos – 2015 – STOPppSA