Thursday, March 13, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Google Fiber installation leaves trail of unpaid invoices across San Antonio

What do you mean the citizens will have to pay for Google Fiber mess?

With the lack of accurate #zoning, the #CityofSanAntonio dropped the ball on the #GoogleFiber initiative and after months of protest by some citizens, Sheryl Sculley made an announcement last week that said “she has put a stop to the #GoogleFiber project because they have not lived up to their agreement.”

Truth be told, the City of San Antonio did not live up to their agreement and did this work according to their own agenda and timeline.

The City looked at the upset citizens like a bunch of kooks, and tried to justify their illegal zoning actions. In the end they could not hide it any longer, called foul of Google and looked like a hero.

Well the cat is out of the bag now and most citizens know that the City of San Antonio, especially #SherylSculley, simple do not care enough to give citizens any due process of law.

Now we have the carnage of a trail of unpaid invoices across San Antonio that might have to be paid by citizens. What is wrong with this picture? Nothing if you are a King or #Queen of an empire.

However, if you are a Mayor, City Councilman, or Manager of a large city like San Antonio, you should be prepared to fix it or at elections, the citizens will fix it.

#NoToTyrrany, #NoToBigGovernment, #NoToDeafGovernment,
#NoToSocialism, #NoToCommunism, #MayorIvey, #SherylSculley, #SACityCouncil, #2017CityElections, #GoogleFiber, #DisfunctionalSADSD, #DisfunctionalSAZoning

To read the original article click here.