Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


How Much Does Your Favorite City Employee Make In SA?

Highest paid CoSA employee is is City Manager, Erik Walsh at $444,761.

Review this database before you buy the next First Responder a cup of coffee or a meal and you might be asking one of them to buy it for you.

Amazing payroll provided by taxpayers. Is your quality of life and personal & public safety better?


Database: San Antonio city employee salaries

By Ryan Serpico | Oct. 7, 2022 | Updated: Oct. 10, 2022 1:56 PM

The City of San Antonio employed exactly 13,420 people during fiscal year 2021. Use this searchable database to discover how many of your tax dollars were spent on each.

This data comes from the city’s finance department and covers what city employees were paid between Oct. 1, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2021, the most recent date range for which data is available. The database is sorted by total compensation, which is composed of each employee’s base pay, leave payout, overtime, additional benefits and other forms of pay. Those categories are defined below as the following:

• Base pay: This is the regular salary the employee actually earned during the fiscal year.

• Leave payout: This reflects leave the employee sold back to the city during the fiscal year.

• Other: This is the total amount of incentives paid to city employees based on their position and education. It includes car allowance, cell phone reimbursement, clothing allowance and more.

• Overtime: City policy allows employees to bank overtime hours for future compensated absences.

• Additional benefits: This includes the employer’s share of FICA/Medicare, pensions, annual health assessments and other services provided to employees.…/san-antonio-city…/…

Some CoSA employees get $20,000+ raises.