Institutionalized Racism
Institutionalized Racism will continue to be systemic until governmental bodies deal with real science and the hard hitting evidence that the #BigAbortionBusiness harms women, kills babies, let’s dads off the hook promoting irresponsibility; and increases sexual abuse, promiscuity, breast cancer and depression. The industry and one of its biggest purveyors, Margaret Sanger, founder of “Planned Parenthood”, targets minorities. “planned Parenthood” itself has done more to harm and exterminate people of color, non-whites for more than 100 years. That is #InstitutionalizedRacism.
This systemic problem was reinforced this week with Mayor Ron Nirenberg and SA City Council’s (10-2) passage of the “Racism Is A Healthcare Crisis” Resolution that fails to even address or mention #ElectiveAbortion or #CoercedAbortifacientUse by the City of San Antonio’s own policies like the Adolescent Healthcare Ordinance that condones & promotes very harmful chemical contraceptives on impoverished teen girls who are at risk of getting pregnant. The Adolescent Healthcare Ordinance is up for renewal in September 2020.

Ironic that the progressives, like Mark Zuckerberg, don’t want to be regulated so they can oppose #FreeSpeech.
Will the CoSA Mayor & Council speak out of both sides if it’s mouth and renew such a racist ordinance?
These same people, ultra progressives project the very ills of society as if they are caused by other people yet they themselves are the ones actual committing the atrocities on minorities, on humanity. Hypocrisy on steroids.
Five years ago, in 2015 SAFA and it’s ProLife, ProMinority allies fought against the CoSA’s land-use & zoning favoritism of Planned Parenthood South Texas’s new ElectiveAbortion Surgical Center at 2140 Babcock.
The Racism Resolution (8-20-2020) even goes so far as to address the the City will specifically act in:
Section 4. That the City of San Antonio will additionally commit to advancing racial equity efforts by:
• Reviewing policies and procedures for the purposes of eradicating implicit and explicit racial bias and promoting policies and procedures that advance racial equity, including policies and procedures that govern boards and commissions; and
• Engaging historically marginalized communities in the development of policy solutions for local issues related to health equity; and
• Improving data systems in order to disaggregate health data by race/ethnicity and income and facilitate data-informed decision-making processes to address the health disparities in our community; and
• Advancing health equity and supporting historically marginalized communities; and
• Working to mitigate housing and job displacement from driving further racial and income segregation by developing strategic initiatives such as land use and affordable housing finance regulations and housing stability programs, while improving City services that strengthen historically marginalized communities in place; and
• Promoting racially equitable City services, programs and policies in all realms, from neighborhood investment to infrastructure and transportation to economic and workforce development.
Does this #RacialEquity, #HealthEquity, #LandUse references mean that the City will act to increase access to #NonEssentialAbortions and #ChemicalSterilizations for minorities?
Will that improve the health disparities of minorities and individuals?
No, it won’t but the ultra progressive City leaders will try to make citizens think they have righteous intentions now despite the fact that they have been in charge of the city’s direction for over 45 years since 1975 and have done very little to address the cause of systemic racism by continuing to indirectly condone and support “#UnplannedPregnancyServices” which is code word for MoreAbortions.