Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


“Justice Policy” Proposed by ACT4SA is Unconstitutional

So-called “Justice Policy” proposed Charter Amendment by leftist organization ACT4SA is unconstitutional in whole and because it has multi-layered parts violates the Lical Government Code.

Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code § 9.004(d)-(e) prohibits multiple-subject charter amendments, and requires that any ballot proposition must be prepared so that a voter may approve or disapprove any one or more amendments without having to approve or disapprove all of the amendments.

This proposed unjust charter amendment is a multi-layered “comprehensive” policy proposal covering items as varied as:

•preventing city police officers from investigating or making arrests for elective abortions,
•terminating citations and arrests for Class A and Class B misdemeanor possessions of marijuana,
•banning police chokeholds and no-knock warrants (already part of the City Code), and
•expanding cite-and-release and verbal warning policies to direct city police officers to refrain from arresting but instead cite people for certain nonviolent misdemeanor offenses, including theft, theft of service, criminal mischief (destruction of property & graffiti), as well as driving while license is suspended, possession of a control substance penalty group (2-A), and possession of contraband (drugs/weapons) in jail.
•allows criminals to present false identification to avoid prosecution.
•hinders the prosecution of misdemeanor crimes by the District Attorney.
•creates Crime Districts in Bexar County, (SA City limits).
•diiverts Public Safety Funding to private and non-profit organizations (i.e. Defunds Police Services).
•legalize certain State Criminal Offenses.
•increase Insurance costs city wide.

The “Justice Policy” harms and victimizes law abiding citizens of San Antonio while enabling criminal conduct that benefits criminals that will drive up costs of living in SA.

The CoSA must reject this “Justice Policy” Charter Amendment ballot proposition and shall not present it to the San Antonio City Council for action or ratification to be placed on any ballot, including this May 6, 2023 ballot.

The duty imposed upon the CoSA to reject the “SA Justice Policy” Charter petition is not discriminatory scretionary but mandatory. Consequently, the CoSA should immediately reject this “SA Justice Policy” charter petition for the aforementioned reasons.

We residents of San Antonio and Citizens of Texas deserve the CoSA’s compliance or We The People will react accordingly to pursue legal action and judicial relief to force the CoSA to fulfill its duties to citizens and responsibilities to the State.

Special Thanks to the contributions from the Responsible Government Coalition and it’s partners including SAFA, El Conservador George Rodriguez, and especially Ret. SAPD Officer, David Moore.


Deemed unenforceable by the city, proposed policing reforms will appear on the May ballot
by Andrea Drusch
February 8, 2023



So-called “Justice Policy” proposed Charter Amendment by leftist organization ACT4SA is unconstitutional in whole and because it has multi-layered parts violates the Lical Government Code.

Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code § 9.004(d)-(e) prohibits multiple-subject charter amendments, and requires that any ballot proposition must be prepared so that a voter may approve or disapprove any one or more amendments without having to approve or disapprove all of the amendments.

This proposed unjust charter amendment is a multi-layered “comprehensive” policy proposal covering items as varied as:
enting city police officers from investigating or making arrests for elective abortions,

•terminating citations and arrests for Class A and Class B misdemeanor possessions of marijuana,
•banning police chokeholds and no-knock warrants (already part of the City Code), and
•expanding cite-and-release and verbal warning policies to direct city police officers to refrain from arresting but instead cite people for certain nonviolent misdemeanor offenses, including theft.

The “Justice Policy” victimizes law abiding citizens of San Antonio, enables criminal acts that will drive up costs of living in SA.

The CoSA must reject this “Justice Policy” Charter Amendment ballot proposition and shall not present it to the San Antonio City Council for action or ratification to be placed on any ballot, including this May 6, 2023 ballot.

The duty imposed upon the CoSA to reject the “SA Justice Policy” Charter petition is not discriminatory scretionary but mandatory. Consequently, the CoSA should immediately reject this charter petition for the aforementioned reasons.

We residents of San Antonio and Citizens of Texas deserve the CoSA’s compliance or We The People will react accordingly to pursue legal action and judicial relief to force the CoSA to fulfill its duties to citizens and responsibilities to the State.

Special Thanks to the contributions from the RGC and it’s partners including SAFA, George Rodriguez, and especially Ret. SAPD Officer, David Moore.