Monday, March 10, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Medical Director of SA- What Does She Do?

Chichi Junda Woo, SAMHD Medical Director is making $207,296.

What does she do?

She was given additional authority during the Public Health Emergency Declaration of of the ChinaVirus COVID-19 Pandemic.

During the pandemic, she:

•closed houses of worship

•closed schools

•closed businesses

•made sure “Planned Patenthood South Texas” could remain open

•promotes chemical sterilization of teen girls

•promotes ElectiveAbortion

•promotes City needle sharing program and thereby drug use

•promotes homosexuality

•promotes the “COVID Vaccine” as good for all people including youth

She was just re-appointed by City Manager, Erik Walsh, who is a self-professes Catholic and who says he knows his Faith, as the Local Public Health Authority without approval of the SA Mayor and City Council.

Chichi Junda Woo made a living prior to working for the CoSA as an abortionist for ppSouthTexas as it’s medical director.

When she went to work in Public Health for the CoSA SAMHD, she didn’t even have her MPH (Masters in Public Health). She finally got it through the taxpayers just back in 2019.


How much does your favorite City employee make in SA?

Highest paid CoSA employee is is City Manager, Erik Walsh at $444,761.

Review this database before you buy the next First Responder a cup of coffee or a meal and you might be asking one of them to buy it for you.

Amazing payroll provided by taxpayers. Is your quality of life and personal & public safety better?


Database: San Antonio city employee salaries

By Ryan Serpico | Oct. 7, 2022 | Updated: Oct. 10, 2022 1:56 PM…/san-antonio-city…/…