Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


National Geographic’s Liberal Agenda

What is National Geographic’s Agenda?

We thought that drive by media was bad, now it seems it is making its way into science publications?

So, what if I told you that magazines, that use to be honorable magazines, are now spinning cultural garbage out to our children as normal, that is to say condoning lies and no longer searching for the truth?

Well, buckle up your seat belts, because culturally things are not looking that good, as a matter of fact it will most likely get worse before it gets better. This is outrageous when National Geographic is featuring this nine year old transgender girl as a rights activist and the whole January 2017 special issue to exploration of gender.

Some readers may want to write the magazine and complain, or cancel subscriptions, and cut services from your cable company as Nat Geo channel.

The mission of National Geographic since its inception had been to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge, now they want to infuse false narratives and opinionable unnatural story of activism.

Imagine National Geographic doing a story on why contraception breaks up marriages or a pro-life story on stopping abortion? What next, a story about a prostitute or a topless dancer’s life in the name of science?

They have gone too far with their spinning and their liberal agendas where they are no longer a respectful publication for science and the truth.

It is better that publications like this go out of business than to allow them to stay in business writing about and propagating false agendas of social re-engineering of our culture in unnatural ways.

National Geographic Magazine: [email protected]
National Geographic History magazine: [email protected]
National Geographic Kids or Little Kids magazines: [email protected]
National Geographic Traveler magazine: [email protected]

#ProFamily, #ProFamilies, #ProMarriage, #ManPlusWoman,
#ComplainToNationalGeographic, #StopTheLiberalAgenda, #OutOfControlMedia, #DriveByMedia, #LiberalMedia, #

To read the original article click here.