Thursday, March 27, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

Parent Resources to Battle Mask Mandate Policies – Parent Resources from SAFA

Re: Great Hearts Charter Schools


Letter For Parents’ Consideration to send to Great Hearts Charter School:


[email protected]


Dear Superintendent & President Dan Scoggin, Great Hearts Administration, et al,


I am writing to inform you that our children will not be wearing masks at school or school events. Our children have a right to breath the free air and not have their rights usurped. Our parental rights will not be superseded by an unlawful or unjust county or city mandates and we will not cooperate with attempts to condition compliance with tyranny.


These local mask mandates are in direct conflict with Governor Abbott’s Executive Order GA-36 dated May 18, 2021 and Executive Order GA-38 dated July 29, 2021. The democratically-elected Governor’s executive order supersedes any and all local orders especially by any appointed bureaucrat.


Executive Order GA-36

Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order Prohibiting Government Entities From Mandating Masks | Office of the Texas Governor | Greg Abbott


Executive Order GA-38

Relating to the continued response to the COVID-19 disaster.



No City Mayor like Ron Nirenberg, County Judge like Nelson Wolff or the non-elected, politically appointed Local Public Health Authority Junda Woo (who has little credible public health experience as she is a licensed abortionist, former Planned Parenthood South Texas Medical Director  and only received a Masters in Public Health late in 2020) have the legal authority or jurisdiction to require masks.



Excerpts from Governor Abbott, Attorney General Paxton Aligned in Defense of Executive Order Prohibiting Mask Mandates dated August 11, 2021:


“The Texas Disaster Act clearly states that the Governor has the power to guide the state through emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Any school district, public university, or local government official that decides to defy the order will be taken to court.”


“Under Executive Order GA-38, no governmental entity can require or mandate the wearing of masks,” said Governor Abbott. “The path forward relies on personal responsibility—not government mandates. The State of Texas will continue to vigorously fight the temporary restraining order to protect the rights and freedoms of all Texans.”



Thereby, neither the Local Public Health Authority nor Metro Health have the power to require masks. And, we as parents will not allow them or anyone else to usurp our children’s rights.


Consequently, our maskless children will be attending school on campus exercising their rights given by God, supported by us their parents and ratified via executive order by the Texas Governor.


Anyone asking, requesting or mandating our children to comply with an unlawful and unjust mask mandate directive will be will be in direct conflict with what is good, true & beautiful. Violations of parental rights will be documented and any and all legal options will be considered, exercised and pursued to protect and defend our children and their rights.


It would be good for you GHNO Staff to consider utilizing your own endorsed Socratic method to determine what is truly good, prudent and just in this situation (and avoid blind compliance out of any possible concern for local government retribution that might impact future GHNO development).


This fantastic GH philosphy based on the classics and the Socratic method principled on the (objective) good, true & beautiful is what attracted us as parents and gives reason to continue sending our children to GHNO. Otherwise GH would be too much like NEISD and therefore not worth giving up all the other participation opportunities that are available via traditional ISDs.


Stay the course to continue to pursue excellence principled on the true, good & beautiful.


Please feel free to contact me for any questions or additional input.





Parent of Child/StudentName

Contact info



RE: NEISD or Any Other ISD


Letter For Parents’ Consideration to send to Respective ISD


  • coming soon with scientific resources
  • stay tuned on SAFA’s website and social media