Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Parents Beware: SexEd permission forms sent out to your children

High School Parents Beware:  SexEd permission forms sent out to your children

CONSIDER: DO NOT “OPT IN” your child but protect them by keeping them out of the radical, age inappropriate & graphic, “Draw The Line/Respect The Line” Sex Education curriculum created by ‘Planned Parenthood’ ElectiveAbortion Business sister organization, ETR, out of California.

Northeast Independent school District Middle School students were sent home with the Parental Permission slips. Consider: DO NOT “OPT IN”.

The permission forms are due this week, however, you have the right to change your mind and remove your child from the bad, promiscuity & perversion promoting curriculum.
Use the blank form attached here to remove, “OPT OUT” your child and protect them.
The curriculum is very bad even for high schoolers. The motto is “Experiment, Have Fun, Be Safe.” It grooms the student and promotes anal, oral & vaginal sex.
SAFA has completed the research on “Big Decisions”. The NEISD Board passed it in 2014. It’s 5 years over due on its review.
Don’t risk your child’s innocence purity on their agenda.
Until the North East Independent School District – NEISD Board of Trustees removes this terrible curriculum and the middle school “Draw The Line / Respect The Line” curriculum, the NEISD Superintendent and Board of Trustees remain untrustworthy.          

