Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Planned Parenthood aborted 321,384 babies last year, got $543 million from taxpayers

The annual report released confirms ‘planned parenthood’ is an abortion provider, not a women’s health care provider, as they claim.

“Their annual report demonstrates that Planned Parenthood is not a Healthcare organization but a political movement, intent on forcing their pro-abortion views on as many Americans as possible,” said Johnson, who now runs a ministry that helps abortion workers leave the industry.

Planned Parenthood’s annual report also reveals it has “expanded” its focus on providing transgender hormone treatments at 17 locations.

Despite not performing mammograms last year or having any mammogram machines, Planned Parenthood reported that it did 336,614 breast exams – the type of breast checks which women are able to do on their own.

To read more from Life Site News, click here.