Thursday, March 13, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Planned Parenthood Launches New Sex Ed Videos Targeting 4 to 9-Year-Old Kids

This week, #PlannedParenthood and several partner groups launched a new #YouTube channel with #SexEducation videos designed for #Children as young as #Four years old.

“#AmazeJr.” advertises itself as a tool to help parents of #YoungChildren “have healthy conversations” about their bodies, #Sex and #Gender.

“Amaze jr. is comprised of a series of videos and guides to help parents talk to their children about sex and sexuality, and a set of adorable age-appropriate videos for parents to watch with their children #AgesFourToNine to get the conversations started on sometimes tricky topics like #WhereDoBabiesComeFrom, #OurBodiesArePrivate, and #LearningAboutGender,” developer Debbie Roffman said.

To read more from Life News, click here.