Sunday, March 16, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Planned Parenthood South Texas Hiring New President & CEO

Breaking News: ppSouthTexas #ElectiveAbortionBusiness hiring new President & CEO

Is this because the human slaughter house can’t afford Jeffrey Hons anymore?

ppSouthTexas is closed two days out of the week now thank to the Texas Heartbeat Law and Sidewalk Volunteers good work to truly help women in crisis. This information was shared with #SAFA by the ProLife Staffing & Recruitment Firm.

If you’d like to connect with #ProLifeStaffingAndRecruitment please email: [email protected] with subject line: ProLife Staffing and SAFA will connect you.

Let’s support ProLife businesses. Read the job posting information. <——- JOB POSTING

Forked tongue lies. Disgusting.

ppSouthTexas lies and kills to make blood money.

May God put ppST out of business and give them a rapid chance for conversion and atonement for the many women they’ve harmed, babies they’ve killed and relationships/families they’ve destroyed.