Thursday, March 27, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Please pray for Archdiocese of San Antonio priest and servant leader Fr. Clay Hunt

Fr. Clay Hunt, whom many of you may know from the Dove Hunt, and who currently serves as a priest in prison ministry is being targeted by San Antonio Church leaders. Fr. Clay recently received a notice from the canon lawyer of Archdiocese of San Antonio making several claims against him.

Furthermore, Fr. Clay is no longer permitted to really serve the community or celebrate Mass outside of the prison. He feels that because of his conservative Catholic views, and his unwillingness to bow to the liberal ideologies of some of the Church leaders in the archdiocese, the leaders of the archdiocese plan to strip Fr. Clay of his faculties.

Fr. Clay has tirelessly served and helped many for the past 11+ years as a priest, but now he is asking for your help. Please take a few minutes to learn what is happening by watching this video created by his sister.

If you’d like, you can either donate to his GoFundMe, or below. SAFA is going to act as a conduit for collecting tax-deductible donations for Fr. Clay’s defense (at a lower transaction fee than the GoFundMe (which is also not tax deductible)).

Instructions to give to a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and have more of your donation go to Fr. Clay’s cause instead of the merchant costs:

  1. Click here.
  2. Choose amount.
  3. Choose your purpose: “Special Intention”
  4. Specify your special intention below: “Fr. Clay Hunt defense”
  5. Fill out your information and select “Check Out”

Thank you for your prayers and support for Fr. Clay Hunt.