Thursday, March 27, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

Novena for faithful, fun, & fruitful SAFA Charity Dove Hunts on Sept 1 & 2 (Bishop John Yanta Memorial Hunt) – Aug. 25 – Sept. 2, 2023

Novena begins 9 days before hunt

Prayer Request for the intercession of St. Hubert, patron Saint of Hunters, for a Holy Hunt - 2024

St. Hubert teaches us that holiness and hunting need not be mutually exclusive. Pray these prayers as a 9-day novena to
sanctify the SAFA Dove Hunt asking for the intercession of St. Hubert to have a safe, virtuous, faithful & fruitful hunt.

Prayer to be an honorable hunter

By the grace of God, may I always honor, thank, and adore the Lord God Who created the animals and saw that each species
was good. Let me love the God Who made humans in His own image and likeness and set them over the whole world, to have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creeps upon the earth (Gen 1:26). By my honorable conduct as a hunter let me give a good example and
teach new hunters principles of honor, so that each new generation can show reverence for God, respect other hunters and the
animals, and enjoy the dignity of the hunt.

Prayer to hunt for souls, like St. Hubert

Lord, You spoke to St. Hubert and converted him to You during a stag hunt. You changed him into a hunter of souls, yet You
continued to use his skills as a hunter to open hearts and minds to Your Gospel. I ask that You make me into a hunter of souls
above all other hunting activities. May I be docile to Your Holy Spirit and look for the opportunities to speak of You and Your
Good News of salvation. Let the hunting site itself be a place that uplifts the soul. May our time alone be an opportunity to
pray and listen to You. May all the actions of the rest of my life be a constant hunt for You, for the opportunities You give me
to evangelize, and to target the souls most in need of Your love.

Prayer for a safe, faithful, fun and successful SAFA Dove Hunt that will bear much fruit that will last

St. Hubert, I ask you to intercede for SAFA and all of its Dove Hunt members, benefactors, contributors, participants,
volunteers, and vendors to desire to pursue The Truth with perseverance through love, to grow in our unity, love, and
knowledge of and for Jesus Christ, to turn our lives into an occasion of loving You and serving Your Church consistently,
simply, cunningly and effectively, to profess Your Word in charity, to proclaim Your Truth with holy boldness, to vocalize
Your Truth with effectiveness, and to put our bodies into action to be good, do good, and pursue The Truth at all times so
through our words and deeds we can share Your Good News for Your greater glory and honor, and for the good of all Your
people that will inevitably bring peace and joy to our lives.

St. Hubert, please help us to preserve intact the treasure of The Faith and pray for us to have a passion and strength similar to
yours to hunt for souls and combat the enemies of Christianity, inside and outside of The Church and for this special intention
of helping SAFA faithfully persevere in its mission to protect, defend, and promote the family in the public square putting
good intentions into good actions, being doers of The Word (James 1:22), glorifying You, and spreading Your Good News
that would bear good fruit that will last (Jn 15:16).

St. Hubert help us to rebuild a culture of life, marriage, family, and responsibility that will help our public officials to be
empowered and to desire to fulfill their duty to protect life, liberty, freedom of speech, religion, legitimate defense, hunting,
and conscience, and acknowledge the true nature of marriage and the family, to protect and foster them, to safeguard public
morality, and to promote domestic prosperity in the City of St Anthony and throughout Bexar County and the State of Texas
so that each person can pursue and experience everlasting happiness in and through the peace and joy of God the Son, Jesus.

I ask all this, and for the repose of Bishop John W. Yanta’s soul, for the beatification of the patron of Texas, Fr. Anthony
Margil, though the intercession of St. Hubert, St. Eustace, St. Anthony, Christopher Columbus, Ven. Fr. Anthony Margil,
Charles Carroll, Moses Austin, Sam Houston, St. Josemaria Escriva, Bishop John W Yanta, and all the patrons, and deceased
members, benefactors, and supporters of SAFA, and especially through St. Joseph and Our Lady of the Immaculate
Conception, in the name of Jesus Christ and through Him. Amen. Pray the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.


This prayer modified by SAFA/pvd for God’s grace for SAFA & it’s members to live in, propose and persevere through love, in & of The Way, The Truth & The Life. #SAFAprays #SAFAhunts
#SAFAstands #SAFAdefends