Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

AbortionCity of San AntonioCoSADefund Planned ParenthoodJoe KrierMayor Ivy TaylorMayor of San AntonioRon NirenbergSan Antonio City Council

Press Conference November 19th. . .

THE SAN ANTONIO CITY COUNCIL HAS A SCHEDULED VOTE SUPPORTING PLANNED PARENTHOOD ON DECEMBER 10, 2015. The measure they are voting on will validate Rod Sanchez, John Jacks, and Catherine Hernandez’s actions at the Developmental Services Department regarding the zoning decision of 2140 Babcock as an Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC). Further the measure they are voting on will allow a surgical abortion center to be located within any C-1 next to any residential neighborhood. The specific measure is amending the definition of an ASC such that it is no different than a dentist office or a pediatrician’s clinic. The result, if the amended definition of ASC is passed, is that every residential neighborhood with adjoining C-1 zoned buildings faces the possibility of a surgical abortion center becoming their neighbor, just as has happened to the residents of Dreamhill Estates. Therefore every neighborhood in San Antonio faces the possibility of pre-born babies having their lives ended within several feet of their homes, as well as the accompanying increase in traffic, crime, and neighborhood discontent as has happened in Dreamhill Estates.

Further you must ask, why is the City loosening requirements for ASCs while at the same time tightening up other categories of zoning to have greater land control. Is it because the City is in desperate need to justify its actions at 2140 Babcock? Is it because almost every Council Member has received financial contributions from members of Planned Parenthood’s Board? Is Mayor Taylor largely silent on this issue because she is on the Board of Planned Parenthood’s “sister” organization Health Futures? While we are uncertain of the reason for the City’s aberrant actions regarding ASC zoning, it is worth asking questions given the apparent conflict of interests regarding Planned Parenthood given their financial support of the Mayor and those who sit on Council.

Members of the Stop Planned Parenthood Coalition will be speaking to address these issues and to provide further updates on the December 10th “We support Planned Parenthood” vote by the Mayor and City Council. Additionally, nurse Valerie Garcia and Deacon Mark Harden will be speaking at the Press Conference on the topic of abortion. Join us to hear more about these vital issues.

About Valerie Garcia
Valerie is married with two children and attends St Anthony Mary Claret Catholic Church. After trying to have a second child for over 8 years being given only a 3% chance of another pregnancy, she was blessed with a baby girl. She credits these sidewalk press conferences the start of her obsession to end abortion and spread the truth.

About Deacon Mark Harden
Mark Harden is a permanent deacon for the Archdiocese of San Antonio. He was ordained in June, 2014. Since his reception into the Catholic Church in 2002, he has been a dedicated advocate for the unborn. He believes abortion is the Holocaust of our day, and that the Right to Life is the most important issue facing the world in our time.

For more information contact
(210) 928-7232
[email protected]

We need you to join us in fighting for justice and life. Please fill out the form below to indicate your attendance and support at the December 9th Citizens to Be Heard prior to the December Council vote