Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

AbortionCity of San AntonioDefund Planned ParenthoodJoe KrierMayor Ivy TaylorMayor of San AntonioRon NirenbergSan Antonio City Council

Press Release on Zoning and Abortion Centers in San Antonio

December 18, 2015


The citizens of San Antonio won an unprecedented victory yesterday when the San Antonio City Council voted in favor of transparent government by amending the City’s Unified Development Code (UDC). Due to this amendment, ambulatory surgical centers (ASC) are now obligated to obtain the approval of both the city’s Zoning Commission and City Council before an ASC can move to a Commercial “C-1” zoning district. This newly updated UDC is intended to address the over seventeen month-long concern that residents of the Dreamhill Estates subdivision have had since Planned Parenthood was able to move to 2140 Babcock next to the neighborhood homes without notice to the residential homeowners nor public hearings before the Zoning Commission and the City Council. This was the first known Council vote that directly impacted abortion facilities.

We congratulate City Councilman Mike Gallagher who led the fight on Council for this transparency. Councilman Gallagher and his team spent an enormous amount of time studying this issue and contemplating a solution that will enable citizens to be heard and have a voice on zoning decisions in the future.

We also extend a heartfelt thank you to all members of the City Council who joined Councilman Gallagher in voting for this important change. They are: Mayor Ivy Taylor, Councilmen Alan Warrick, Ray Lopez, Cris Medina, Joe Krier, and Councilwoman Rebecca Viagran.

We are pleased that these seven members of Council took a pro-life stand against Planned Parenthood and its deception to move into a residential neighborhood and took a responsible stand on behalf of the citizens. We pray that these seven courageous members of the Council have a joyous and peaceful Christmas with their family and friends.

In addition to Council, there were hundreds of members of the community who provided guidance, insight and action that led to this victory. Dozens of local, state and national organizations assisted in exposing the Development Services favoritism of the abortion business and highlighting the importance of protecting family homes through proper buffer zoning. We thank them for their hard work on this issue and for their friendship with us.

There is still much to do in the upcoming year in defense of the family and the unborn. Yet today, we hope that the citizens of San Antonio enjoy and experience the peace, joy and purpose of the Christmas Season in the love of God and be rejuvenated for the work ahead in the upcoming year.

45 NE Loop 410, Ste. 100, San Antonio, TX 78216 | Tel: (210) 928-7232 | Fax: (210) 344-0560