Thursday, March 13, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


SA Town Hall to Address Texas “Bathroom Bill” (SB 6)

“A local television broadcaster is sponsoring a town hall discussion about Senate Bill 6, also known as the bathroom bill, which is currently under consideration by the 85th Texas Legislature.

The Sinclair Broadcast group, which own local stations Fox 29, News4 San Antonio and the CW35, is organizing the town hall at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts on March 9 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Dubbed the Texas Privacy Act, SB6 bars transgender people from using the bathroom that matches their gender identity and would prohibit local ordinances from protecting trans citizens from discrimination in public accommodations.

The proposed bill incurs criminal and civil consequences for those who do not comply with the law.”

SB6 has been a controversial topic in San Antonio because some believe it has to potential affect the city’s ability to attract sporting events. Last year, the NCAA yanked seven championship games from North Carolina in protest of laws targeting the transgender community. If the Texas Legislature passes SB6, it could potentially risk the City of San Antonio losing the NCAA Final Four basketball tournament which it is scheduled to host in 2018. However, Houston recently overturned their NDO (Non-Discrimination Ordinance), and STILL hosted Superbowl LI a few weeks ago. Even in the unlikely case that San Antonio were to lose the Final Four, is the sexual abuse of even one person worth keeping the Final Four?

SAFA will be one of the town hall panelists at the meeting on Thursday, along with Ramiro Cavazos, president of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Kolby, a 31 year-old transgender man; and Richard Oliver from Visit San Antonio.

The event will be broadcast live and will stream on from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. All questions to the panelists will come from the audience and from those on social media who are watching on TV or the web.

Community leaders are invited to attend but must RSVP to: [email protected] or by phone at 210-365-2488. Those who attend are advised to arrive by 6 p.m. as seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Have a question you’d like to ask at the Transgender Bathroom Bill Town Hall? Tweet @KABBFOX29 using the hashtag #TexasBathroomBill.

To read articles about the upcoming SB6 Town Hall meeting click here and here.

Can’t attend? will be streaming the event live here.