Monday, February 24, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

SAFA Dove Hunt Sponsorship Opportunities - 2024

14546 Brook Hollow Blvd. #402
San Antonio, TX 78232
Tel: (210) 928-7232
Fax: (210) 344-0530

[email protected] |     SanAntonioFamilyAssociation |    @SAFAfamily

SAFA 13th Annual Charity Dove Hunt
Bishop John W Yanta Memorial Hunt (2024)
benefiting SAFA & Guadalupe Radio Network | GRN

Title Sponsor Team Opportunity and Benefits

Title Sponsor – $13,000 (Title Sponsor secured, 0 available)

  • Naming opportunity for the SAFA Charity Dove Hunt (per SAFA approval)
  • Hunting for 25 includes adult beverages, appetizers and steak dinner
  • “Company” sponsorship in 480 thirty-second GRN 89.7 FM radio spots (4/day for 4 months), includes gratuitous recording of sponsorship (value = $5,625)
  • Premium hunting spots and vehicle parking (for 4 company vehicles to highlight your business)
  • Opportunity for company representative to welcome and address everyone during dinner as a guest host
  • Exclusively highlighted day of hunting
  • 1 of SAFA’s Live Remotes with GRN
  • Commemorative event items
  • Company Name | Logo & Tag Line on email announcement blasts
  • Company Name | Logo displayed on event signage, banners, shooting fields, dinner table tents, caps & shirts
  • Company Name | Logo recognition in e-newsletter recap article (to include photos)
  • Dove cleaning included for all of team hunters

Disclaimer: GRN reserves the right to approve any radio spots and live remotes

Platinum Sponsor Team – $8000 (2 available)

  • Hunting for 15 includes adult beverages, appetizers and steak dinner
  • Company sponsorship in 240 thirty-second GRN 89.7 FM radio spots (4/day for 2 months), includes gratuitous recording of sponsorship (value = $2575)
  • Premium hunting spots and vehicle parking (for 2 company vehicles to highlight your business)
  • 1 of SAFA’s Live Remotes with GRN
  • Company Name | Logo & Tag Line on email announcement blasts
  • Company Name displayed on event signage, banners, shooting fields, dinner table tents, caps & shirts
  • Company Name | Logo recognition in e-newsletter recap article (to include photos)
  • Dove cleaning included for all of team hunters

Disclaimer: GRN reserves the right to approve any radio spots and live remotes

Gold Sponsor Team – $5,000 (3 available)

  • Hunting for 10 includes adult beverages, appetizers and steak dinner
  • Company sponsorship in 130 thirty-second GRN 89.7 FM radio spots (2/day for 2 months), includes gratuitous recording of sponsorship (value = $1550)
  • Premium hunting spots and vehicle parking (for 1 company vehicle to highlight your business)
  • Company Name | Logo on email announcement blasts
  • Company Name displayed on event signage, banners, shooting fields and dinner table tents
  • Company Name | Logo recognition in e-newsletter recap article (to include photos)
  • Dove cleaning included for all of team hunters Disclaimer: GRN reserves the right to approve any radio spots

Silver Sponsor Team – $3,000 (4 available)

  • Hunting for 5 includes adult beverages, appetizers and fajita dinner
  • Company sponsorship in 60 thirty-second GRN 89.7 FM radio spots (1/day for 2 months), includes gratuitous recording of sponsorship (value = $1025)
  • Company Name on email announcement blasts
  • Company Name displayed on event signage
  • Company Name recognition in e-newsletter recap article (to include photos)
  • Dove cleaning included for all of team hunters Disclaimer: GRN reserves the right to approve any radio spots


Bronze Sponsor Team – $1,000 (10 available)

  • Hunting for 2 includes adult beverages, appetizers and steak dinner
  • Company sponsorship in 30 thirty-second GRN 89.7 FM radio spots (1/day for 1 month), includes gratuitous recording of sponsorship (value = $510)
  • Company Name on email announcement blasts
  • Company Name displayed on event signage
  • Company Name recognition in e-newsletter recap article (to include photos)
  • Dove cleaning included for all of team hunters Disclaimer: GRN reserves the right to approve any radio spots


To promote faith, freedom, and family
Through the right to bear arms and to feed our families, we will utilize the Texas Dove Season to create an opportunity to help the “salt of the earth” feed their family for a day and through The Word of God feed their family for eternity so they can place God at the center of their life and thereby experience His joy. This event will be designed to encourage Texans to grow closer to God through the use and promotion of Catholic Radio, EWTN and GRN.
Peace through strength, yes, and candidly, the 2nd Amendment ensures the protection of the 1st Amendment. The 1st Amendment allows for the airwaves to continue to be utilized by GRN to broadcast and teach the fullness of truth about Jesus Christ, His Church and His Good News. Moreover, it is through this knowledge and understanding of The Word that people can obtain authentic peace which can only be attained through unity with Jesus first and the overcoming of one’s own inclination to sin. SAFA is a tip of the spear tool for education & advocacy. GRN is a evangelism tool that inspires people to pursue and obtain salvific grace through The Church.
  1. Raise money to help support SAFA & its mission, and further the listenership power &and prestige of GRN
  2. Create an opportunity for a good and bountiful hunting experience combined with wholesome co-ed fraternal time
  3. Share the Good News of Jesus Christ through the introduction of and by listening to GRN which is a fantastic, faithful, teaching tool to the “salt of the earth” to become doers of The Word persevering through love via a casual and fun fundraiser
  4. Uphold and education on our fundamental rights, including legitimate defense and the 2nd Amendment
  5. Give Priests and Seminarians an opportunity to have a relaxed fraternal time together and social time with the laity
  6. Create an opportunity for evangelization and catechesis for all to grow in knowledge and desire to renew themselves in God (i.e., GRN Radio, corporal works of mercy and proper disposition of Sacramentals)
  7. Promote the San Antonio Family Association (SAFA) and its mission to protect, defend and promote the family in San Antonio (, Social Media @SanAntonioFamilyAssociation)
  8. Work to fight against a culture of indifference and to bring about a new culture of life, liberty, marriage, family and free markets for human flourishing and long-term domestic prosperity
  9. Share important and pertinent information about attacks on Life, Liberty, Marriage, Family & Free Markets