Thursday, March 6, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


SAPD back to interrupt SAFA’s prayer time for women, moms in crisis.

Today was another #ElectiveAbortion day and women deserve protection and genuine health care. ElectiveAbortion is not #healthcare.

It seems San Antonio Police Department is being used by Planned Parenthood South Texas to throw SAFA off it’s strategy so that women are more easily lured in by Planned Parenthood South Texas. What happened to Police protect and service all, not favor ppSouthTexas.

Moreover, SAFA’s attorney thinks #SanAntonioPoliceDepartment is building a case against SAFA volunteers as #SAPD continues to meet with the (deep state) FBI at the Prue Road Sub-Station as admitted by SAPD

Consider how the FBI seems to still be weaponized based on internal agendas and ideologies.

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