Thursday, March 13, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Senate Bill 6 – The “Bathroom Bill”

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick introduced Senate Bill 6 (#SB6), also known as the “Bathroom Bill”, in response to Obama’s executive order allowing boys in girls bathrooms and vice versa.

The TX “Bathroom bill” (SB6) is a response to protect women and children and those who may be victimized by potentially violent criminals.

Opponents of the bill claim that there will be major economic impacts on Texas if the bill were to pass. The Lieutenant Governor doesn’t buy the projections of a massive economic impact if the bill were to pass, pointing to what he said has been a minimal economic impact on North Carolina after a similar bill was passed there, and little fallout after Houston voters repealed a controversial non-discrimination ordinance passed by City Council there.

Evidence proves that Texas has experienced no business loss. The citizen’s of #Houston voted overwhelmingly to overturn the unjust #NDO and #SuperBowl51 was still held in Houston a few Sunday’s ago. And yet, is any “profitable” event worth even one woman or child being abused in a public bathroom by a #sexual #predator?

Consider contacting the Chamber of Commerce leaders in San Antonio, the House Speaker, and your State Representative and State Senator (contact info below) to encourage them to support SB6.


Chamber of Commerce

Call: 210-229-2100

Fax:  210-229-1600

Email: click here


House Speaker

Joe Straus

Capitol Address:

Room 2W.13
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
(512) 463-1000
(512) 463-0675 Fax

District Address:

7373 Broadway,
Suite 202-A
San Antonio, TX 78209
(210) 828-4411
(210) 832-9994 Fax


State Representative

To find YOUR State Representative’s contact information click here.


State Senator

To find YOUR State Senator’s contact information click here.


To read KTSA’s article on the “bathroom bill” click here.

To listen to Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s full interview with KTSA News click here.