Friday, March 14, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Senate Committee Passes Texas Privacy Act (SB 6) in 8-1 Vote

“In the early hours of Wednesday, March 8, just before 5 a.m., the Texas Senate State Affairs Committee passed the Texas Privacy Act (SB 6), after nearly 20 hours of testimony by those supporting and those opposing the most talked about legislation during the 2017 Texas Legislative session.  Public testimony on the Texas Privacy Act (SB 6) was taken starting at 8 a.m. today (March 7) in the Senate State Affairs committee, room E1.036 in the Texas Capitol Extension. Voting for SB 6 were Republican Senators Joan Huffman (Chair), Bryan Hughes, Craig Estes, Jane Nelson, Brandon Creighton, Brian Birdwell, Charles Schwertner, and Democratic Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. The only vote in opposition was by Democratic Senator Judith Zaffirini.”

Click here to read the full article.

Representatives from SAFA were present at the Senate Hearing and had a chance to testify in favor of the bill.

Consider contacting the House Speaker, Joe Straus, and your State Representative and State Senator (contact info below) to encourage them to support SB6.


House Speaker

Joe Straus

Capitol Address:

Room 2W.13
P.O. Box 2910
Austin, TX 78768
(512) 463-1000
(512) 463-0675 Fax

District Address:

7373 Broadway,
Suite 202-A
San Antonio, TX 78209
(210) 828-4411
(210) 832-9994 Fax


State Representative

To find YOUR State Representative’s contact information click here.


State Senator

To find YOUR State Senator’s contact information click here.