Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

City of San AntonioCoSAJoe KrierMayor Ivy TaylorMayor of San AntonioRon NirenbergSan Antonio City Council


MEMBERS OF THE LGBT AND ALLIED COMMUNITY WERE INCLUDED AS PANELISTS TO INTERVIEW THE FIVE FINALISTS FOR SAN ANTONIO POLICE CHIEF. These included; Ruby Krebs, a member of Mayor Ivy Taylor’s LGBT advisory committee, Carolee Moore, the co-chair of the Stonewall Democrats of San Antonio and Patricia S. Castillo, executive director of the P.E.A.C.E Initiative. These three were among the 24 panelists at an August 21st interview.

While members of the LGBT community were included, noticeably EXCLUDED were representatives of the pro-family and pro-life communities. The San Antonio Family Association (SAFA) is concerned about this lack of diversity by a panel selected by City Manager Sheryl Sculley. The LGBT represents a small minority within the City of San Antonio and yet they had three representatives present. The majority of the population of San Antonio is pro-family, supportive of natural marriage, and pro-life; yet the City Manager did not choose to include a representative from SAFA and other members of the Responsible Government Coalition such as; the San Antonio Coalition for Life, , the Texas Leadership Coalition, the Justice Foundation and the Joshua Initiative.

This exclusion leads SAFA to ask Ms. Sculley, “Are all voices truly welcome in the conversation?” Is the office of diversity and inclusion really concerned about a diversity that includes all perspectives or is it an office under the City Manager meant to promote only the LGBT? This is important because if San Antonio is to continue to be a family friendly city, our police chief ought to be pro-family. Further, the City Manager ought not to be promoting the LGBT agenda. Her office has a responsibility to ALL the Citizens of San Antonio and not just the special interests.

But this is not the first time that Sculley has been anti-family. Sculley recently promoted Planned Parenthood Abortionist, Dr. Chichi Junda Woo to the position of Medical Director of the Bexar County Metropolitan Health District. Only after significant outcry from the pro-life community did the City Council and Sculley rescind the promotion, but Dr. Chichi Junda Woo is still in a position over Project Worth and other programs affecting the sex education and clinic direction of San Antonio. Having an abortionist over the curriculums being used by the City of San Antonio for sex education is a concern for SAFA. Especially since the SA2020 goal is reduced births and not reduced pregnancies (this is a major concern as well). A Planned Parenthood abortionist can definitely profit from lowering the birthrate without reducing pregnancies.

Further, SAFA wonders if Sculley’s anti-family and anti-life agenda is representative of Mayor Ivy Taylor’s and the City Council’s views. Do they also desire to exclude family friendly organizations and to promote the LGBT agenda? We at SAFA need to know, “Does the Office of Diversity and Inclusion represent ALL of San Antonio or is it just a way to use public funds to advance a special interest?” Perhaps, the name of this office reveals the agenda? For if it was merely to protect against discrimination it would be the “Office of Nondiscrimination.” But as it is, discrimination isn’t an issue for Sculley, since she chose to discriminate when selecting her panel.