Monday, September 16, 2024

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

Sacred Heart March for Life and Marriage 2024

Please consider attending the Pro-Life & Pro-Marriage Expo taking place in Main Plaza from 12:30-3:30 pm.

Participation Levels
Title Sponsor$25004 tables, 4 chairs
Speaker Sponsor$15002 tables, 4 chairs
Rally Sponsor$5001 table, 4 chair
Host Committee$1501 table, 2 chairs

NOTES: Community Service Hours opportunity for volunteers
— text/call 210-928-7232 (SAFA) to volunteer please.

Please take photos/video/Facebook Live video, etc. and post them during this great event using these hashtags: #SHMFLAM2024 #SHMarchForLifeAndMarriage2024 #SA306 #WhyWeMarchSA

Celebrate Life Dinner with Katie Breckenridge
“IVF and the Destruction of Human Life”

Max and Louie’s Diner Meeting Room
226 W Bitters Rd, Unit 126, SAT 78216

RSVP by donating $100/person or
$200/family (unlimited # of children)

Go to:
Select: Choose your Purpose
Designation: Celebrate Life Dinner

Cash bar available for sodas and alcohol.

Seating is limited. Casual dress.

Priests, Seminarians, and Consecrated Religious may attend for free.

Scholarships available upon need & by request.

For more information:

Photo Gallery from 2022 SHMFLAM

photo credits: Sonja Harris & Patrick Von Dohlen