Friday, March 14, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

News urges Clinton Supporters to Escort Women to Abortion Clinics

On November 9th, just a few days after Trump won the Presidential Election, published an article titled “How to Channel Your Post-Election Anger, Sadness, and Fear Into Action – Ten productive things Clinton supporters can do with their Trump-fueled anxieties.” The first item on this list is “Support an abortion clinic by donating money, volunteering, or escorting women to clinics.

Help us protect the City of San Antonio’s women from being harmed at and by abortion facilities. All of our Local Issues have been Nationalized and that is why SAFA needs your prayers and financial support. If we can stop the immoralities from happening in SA then we can help encourage their discontinuance in the rest of the state and nation.