Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


St. Mary’s University promotes volunteering at Planned Parenthood and Emily’s List to cope with election results

stmu-news-2 stmu-news-1In a post-election edition of the St Mary’s University newspaper, The Rattler, students expressed their concern over Trump’s presidential victory. The newspaper also included an article on “Eight ways to relieve the stress of anxiety caused from elections.” A few of the stress-relief methods promoted by “The Catholic University’s” newspaper are volunteering at Planned Parenthood South Texas and helping elect pro-abortion candidates to public office with Emily’s List.

Consider contacting St Mary’s University’s President (contact information below) regarding The Rattler’s article which proposes that students donate their time to “PP” and Emily’s List, both of which promote abortion and directly go against the teachings of the Catholic Church.

You might consider asking if The Rattler’s mission is to cooperate with StMU’s mission? Or are there guidelines for student journalists to remain fair & balanced? Or to always share objective truth on the issues? Or even the Catholic Church’s magisterial teachings? Isn’t it a Catholic University after all???

Thomas Mengler J.D.
Office of the President
St. Louis Hall
Room: 118
Ext.: 3722
Phone: 210-436-3722
[email protected]
Campus Box 72

Dianne Pipes
Chief of Staff
Office of the President
St. Louis Hall
Room: 118
Ext.: 4373
Phone: 210-431-4373
[email protected]
Campus Box 72

St. Mary’s University
One Camino Santa Maria
San Antonio, TX 78228
General: 210-436-3011

The Rattler
[email protected]
T: (210) 436-3401
St. Mary’s University 1 Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio, Texas 78228 University Center Room 258