Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

AbortionCity of San AntonioCoSAMayor Ivy TaylorMayor of San AntonioRon NirenbergSan Antonio City Council

Take the Survey! Should the San Antonio City Council Approve Abortion Facilities to Be Placed in Your Neighborhood?

On December 17, 2015, the San Antonio City Council will be voting to redefine Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) for zoning purposes in San Antonio. This will make it possible for surgical abortion centers to be placed in C-1 zoning buffering residential neighborhoods. This has already happened at the 2140 Babcock Planned Parenthood.  A surgical abortion center has been placed within 50 feet of homes in Dreamhill Estates. Many believe this redefinition of ASC is being done to accommodate the ruling by the Developmental Services Department allowing for the 2140 Babcock Planned Parenthood. It seems like the City Council will be voting to provide cover for inappropriate City actions.

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