Thursday, March 20, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


The global decline in fertility is “simply astonishing”

Will the #WorldsPopulation really reach 11.2B billion in 2100?

This week The Guardian provides a good summary of alternate world population #Projections which challenge this #UnitedNations figure and casts doubt on whether the world’s population will really continue to grow until the end of this century.

The United Nations bases its population projections on a range of uncertain assumptions about #Fertility and #Mortality.

Its most likely current estimate is that world population will reach 11.2 billion by 2100, and then stabilize and slightly #Decline.

The UN is not the only international body to project world population, and the various demographers are certainly not in agreement.

A key question is whether #AfricasFertility will remain at current rates, or will drop to follow Western low fertility trends.

To read more from Mercatornet, click here.