Saturday, March 15, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


Tragic anniversary of the passage of “Domestic Partner Benefits”

This weeks marks the anniversary of a tragic event in San Antonio and Bexar County. On February 4, 2014 the Bexar County Commissioners Court passed “Domestic Partner Benefits,” also know as “Employee Plus One.” This determination officially changed the Bexar County stance to reinforce marriage and began sanctioning cohabitation, promiscuity, and homosexuality.

“Plus One” was presented and passed in fulfillment of Wolff’s promise to the Stonewall Democrats for Bexar County to provide employee benefits to unmarried “domestic partners”. The wording of the measure was meant to circumvent Texas Law which refused to recognize same-sex paramours and provide benefits otherwise unavailable to those in a same-sex relationship. The measure also extended the benefits to heterosexual couples who chose to cohabitate rather than marry.

The net effect of “Plus One” undermines marriage, harms children, and denies each child what is most needed by them, namely a mother and a father who are committed in a life-long marriage. Studies have shown that children do better in natural families with a mother and a father over the unnatural families now mandated by Court fiat. Further, the divorce rate among heterosexuals is dramatically higher among those who “shack up” verses those who do not live together prior to marriage. JUDGE NELSON WOLFF and the whole COMMISSIONERS COURT, passed a measure which HARMS CHILDREN.

To read an article about this issue click here.