Friday, March 14, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society


URGENT! Need immediate help on November 9, 2016

We are in need of immediate help for Wednesday, Nov. 9, to flood The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) with emails from 9am-noon.  NARAL, Planned Parenthood, and all the other abortion providers are going to be down there testifying during that time to stop the proposed rules  to amend 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 1, §§1.132 – 1.137, concerning the definition, treatment, and disposition of special waste from healthcare related facilities. Basically, the changes would demand that the unborn be treated with respect through burial or cremation instead of treated like clinical waste.

Even though we had a hearing several months ago about this, there has been some slight changes of wording (that are favorable) which means by law, they have to open up another hearing.  But the DSHS will take email comments in place of showing up to testify as long as they are submitted between 9am- noon on Wednesday ONLY.

Here is a suggested comment below that you can email to BOTH of these addresses and please add your own comments to it –

“I strongly support the proposed changes set forth in the disposition of unborn human beings to NOT be treated like medical waste.  The life of a human being is sacred.  Texas needs to align our treatment of the remains of the born and unborn with the belief that the majority of Texans have which is – they should be treated with dignity and respect.  Our state cannot continue to allow them to be equivalent to clinical waste products, rubbish, or trash.  This practice is uncivilized and must not continue, therefore I urge you to pass the proposed rules  to amend 25 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 1, §§1.132 – 1.137.”

Please forward to as many people as possible to ask them to send an email during 9am – noon on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016.