Monday, March 10, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

City of San AntonioGoogle Fiber SA

Water utility chases unpaid Google Fiber bills

“Working with city approval, Google Fiber drillers have broken water and sewer lines across San Antonio, costing a quarter-million dollars in damages and wasted water, according to records obtained by

San Antonio Water System records show that Google contractors broke 44 lines between January and November 2016 – almost one per week.

SAWS billed the companies for repairs, receiving $134,810 in compensation for 13 line breaks. Twenty-six other breaks totaling $91,255 in damages remain unpaid.

Five other severed lines dating back to last March remain under investigation by SAWS, the city-owned utility.

With damages still being tallied, total costs are on track to top $250,000.

The city’s contract with Google Fiber internet service – hailed by former Mayor Julian Castro as a giant technological step forward for San Antonio – has proved to be a low-tech headache.”

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