Did you get this? Hey, don’t send this alert to us, rather send it to the City Public Service (CPS), Mayor Ron Nirenberg, and yes, Nelson Wolff, the parties that dropped the ball last year at this time. This Winter Alert sent out this morning, is one of the most insulting emails anyone could possibly get.
Last February, it was not the citizens that failed in Texas, it was our #CityOfSanAntonio (#MayorRonNirenburg), #BexarCounty, #CountyhJudgeNelsonWolff, and #CityPublicService (CPS) when electricity was down for most of us for multiple days. Government monopolies and bureaucrats are the problems.
Have these people ever read or heard this famous statement? ‘The nine most terrifying words in the English language: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’
– President Ronald Reagan