Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Protecting, defending, and promoting the family, the Building Block of Society

AbortionCity of San AntonioCoSADefund Planned ParenthoodJoe KrierMayor Ivy TaylorMayor of San AntonioRon NirenbergSan Antonio City Council

1187 Voices for Justice and Life

On December 10th, the San Antonio City Council will be voting on a redefinition of “Ambulatory Surgical Center.” This change is needed for the City to justify the zoning at the 2140 Planned Parenthood. This vote also makes it possible for Planned Parenthood to locate a facility in Your Neighborhood. A vote for the redefinition is a vote supporting Planned Parenthood! Your City Council shouldn’t be making abortion easier and giving Planned Parenthood special privileges! Tell Your Councilman to vote, “NO!”

Here is How You Can Help:

  • Contact Your San Antonio City Councilman prior to the December 10th vote.

  • Wednesday December 9th, Join us at Citizens to Be Heard from 6:00-7:30-PM at 114 W. Commerce St. San Antonio, TX 78205.

  • Thursday December 10th, Join us for the Council Vote from 9:00am-Noon at 114 W. Commerce St. San Antonio, TX 78205.

Be sure to wear blue to the events on the 9th and 10th. If you’d like to speak  be sure and register at Citizens to Be Heard the morning of December 9th when the link is made available on the City webpage.

Please fill out the form below to indicate your attendance and support